This story is about a sad man. The man is ordered by his doctor to take one pill each day in order to stay happy. The doctor gives him a pill box with $N$ pills. The sad man decides in his sadness that he wants only to be slightly happy. Therefore, he takes only half the dosage each day.
On day 1 he randomly grabs a whole pill from the box, he breaks it in half and consumes one half while putting the other half back in the box. On day 2 he might either grab one of the $N-1$ whole pills with probability $P(X_2=W) = \frac{N-1}{N}$, or the 1 half pill with probability $P(X_2=H) = \frac{1}{N}$. If he gets the half pill, he simply consumes it. Before the bottle is empty, $2\cdot N$ days will have passed.
The sad man is mathematically inclined and starts to wonder about how the contents of his pill box change over time. He wonders:
- If a lot of sad men around the world do this, what is the average number of days that will pass before only halves remain inside the bottle?
- The first day the pill will be a whole one. The last day the pill will be half. But how does the probability $P(X_t=H)$ behave for $1<t\leq 2N$?
Quick visualization through code
Before we analyze this problem mathematically, it is way too tempting to write some code and make some figures.
function experiment(w_arr::Array{Int, 2}, h_arr::Array{Int, 2}, day::Int, man::Int)
prob_w = w_arr[day, man] / (h_arr[day, man] + w_arr[day, man])
if rand() < prob_w # Taken a whole: split it, and return one half
w_arr[day + 1, man] = w_arr[day, man] - 1
h_arr[day + 1, man] = h_arr[day, man] + 1
else # Taken a half: consume it
w_arr[day + 1, man] = w_arr[day, man]
h_arr[day + 1, man] = h_arr[day, man] - 1
function main(N_pills::Int, N_men::Int)
N_days = 2 * N_pills
w_arr = zeros(Int, N_days, N_men)
h_arr = similar(w_arr)
w_arr[1, :] .= N_pills
for i=1:N_men
for j=1:N_days-1
experiment(w_arr, h_arr, j, i)
return w_arr, h_arr
We can track the development of the contents of the pill box with e.g. 100 pills and a million sad men by using
wholes, halves = main(100, Int(1e6));
Plotting these results gives the following interesting figures:
The average (solid red) number of halves, standard deviation (ribbon), and 10 example trajectories. |
The same figure for wholes |